Holiday Inn Express – Mary Earps

Featured Content, Podcast

Millions of Brits swear their morning rituals get them off to a good start to the day including Manchester United and Lioness Goalkeeper Mary Earps.

Millions of Brits swear their morning rituals get them off to a good start to the day.

Those rituals  include meditation, exercise and writing down goals according to a new survey from Holiday Inn Express sent to us here at Beyond The Boardwalk.

Manchester United and England Goalkeeper, Mary Earps was an integral part of the Lionesses squad who won the UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 and I caught up with her about the survey and the day – to day her life.

Andrew Wright


Andrew Wright is a highly experienced media professional with over three decades of experience working in the broadcast and online industry managing on air programmes and websites for some of the UK’s largest broadcasters.


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